VPsaS Analyst member, Jerome Blackman, MD, became president of the American College of Psychoanalysts (americancollegeofpsychoanalysts.org) at ACOPSA’s joint meeting with Associatoin International Interactions Psychanalytique (a2ip.org) and l’Universite de Paris – Diderot, Centre pour Recherche Psychanalyse, Medecine, et Societe on May 23 and 24, 2014, in Paris, France. As one of his first duties, Dr. Blackman presented the Henry P. and Page Laughlin Awards. The winners included VPsas members, Vamik Volkan, MD, and Harold Blum, MD. Also pictured are Gilbert Kliman, MD (San Francisco) and Henri Parens, MD (Philadelphia).

Dr.Jerome Blackman, VPsas member, gives out Awards to Drs Gilbert Kliman, Harold Blum, Vamik Volkan, and Henri Parens